Abolition of the pension Lifetime Allowance

Significant changes that will affect retirement savings

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s first proper Budget 2023, on Wednesday 15 March, brought some welcome but unexpected changes to pension tax. The changes are designed to alleviate the impact of strict pension rules, which are believed by Mr Hunt to have had a negative impact on the country’s labour market.

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Annual Allowance increased from £40,000 to £60,000

The amount you can contribute each year without incurring additional taxes

When making contributions to your pension, it’s important to keep in mind that there’s a limit to how much you can contribute each year without incurring additional taxes. This limit is known as the pension Annual Allowance.

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Planning for your long term future

Think ahead at least two years before you plan to stop working

Pensions may not be the most exciting thing to think about, but they are an essential part of planning for your long-term future. In fact, your pension has the potential to be one of your most valuable assets, even more than your property. It’s something that could make a significant difference to your lifestyle in later life.

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Investment growth and a guaranteed pension

Having trouble deciding between the two, there’s no need to choose just one?

Are you struggling to decide what to do with your pension pot? It’s an important decision that will impact your retirement for years to come. One option to consider is pension drawdown, which provides you with more freedom and flexibility in choosing your annual income. However, annuities offer a steady income and greater security.

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Making informed decisions

Gap in pension benefits between men and women widens

For many women, the decision to work part-time often coincides with important career and childcare milestones. While pension contributions may not be the deciding factor for this decision, it’s important to understand the long-term impact on pensions. This knowledge is crucial for good financial planning.

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Greater financial security in later life

Preparing for your future in a way that suits your needs

Retirement planning is not a one-size-fits-all system. Everyone has unique lifestyle choices, so it’s essential to prepare for your future in a way that suits your needs. Today’s savers face challenges like longer life expectancy and the shift from defined benefit pensions to defined contribution plans.

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Trace any lost pensions as soon as possible

Failing to claim your pension means you could miss out on valuable retirement income

Keeping track of a pension can be a challenge, especially if you’ve had several schemes during your career or changed employers multiple times. Pension schemes can close, merge or be renamed over time, making it difficult to keep on top of them.

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Should I get all my pensions in one place?

Keeping track of your retirement savings is not always easy

Are you worried about losing touch with your pension savings provider? Increasingly, with more people changing jobs multiple times before retirement, it can be easy to lose track of your hard-earned savings. By taking a few simple precautions, you can help ensure that your savings are always accessible and secure.

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What are my pension pot options?

How to use your defined contribution pension pot

Are you nearing retirement age and wondering how to best manage your retirement income? Changes to regulations now provide you with greater flexibility and choice when it comes to accessing your defined contribution pension.

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Don’t let retirement catch you off guard

Make sure you have a comfortable and secure retirement for the years ahead

Retirement has evolved beyond the traditional image of stopping work completely at 60 for women and 65 for men. With many people choosing to work part-time or continue working later in life, it could be an opportunity to explore new interests or start your own business.

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